import numpy # NOQA
from numpy import _NoValue # NOQA
from nlcpy.__config__ import show_config # NOQA
from nlcpy import _path
# --------------------------------------------------
# parameter
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy import _version # NOQA
__version__ = _version.__version__
# --------------------------------------------------
# ndarray
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.core import ndarray # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# ve offload
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy import veo # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# MaskedArray
# --------------------------------------------------
from import MaskedArray # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# Array Creation routines
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.creation.basic import empty # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.basic import empty_like # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.basic import eye # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.basic import identity # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.basic import ones # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.basic import ones_like # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.basic import zeros # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.basic import zeros_like # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.basic import full # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.basic import full_like # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.from_data import array # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.from_data import asarray # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.from_data import asanyarray # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.from_data import copy # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.from_data import fromfile # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.from_data import loadtxt # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.ranges import arange # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.ranges import linspace # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.ranges import logspace # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.ranges import meshgrid # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.matrices import diag # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.matrices import diagflat # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.matrices import tri # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.matrices import tril # NOQA
from nlcpy.creation.matrices import triu # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# Array Manipulation routines
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.manipulation.basic import shape # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.shape import reshape # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.shape import ravel # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.trans import moveaxis # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.trans import rollaxis # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.trans import swapaxes # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.trans import transpose # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.dims import atleast_1d # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.dims import atleast_2d # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.dims import atleast_3d # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.dims import broadcast_arrays # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.dims import broadcast_to # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.dims import expand_dims # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.dims import squeeze # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.join import block # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.join import concatenate # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.join import stack # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.join import hstack # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.join import vstack # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.split import split # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.split import hsplit # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.split import vsplit # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.add_remove import resize # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.add_remove import append # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.add_remove import insert # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.add_remove import delete # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.add_remove import unique # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.tiling import tile # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.tiling import repeat # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.basic import copyto # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.rearranging import flip # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.rearranging import fliplr # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.rearranging import flipud # NOQA
from nlcpy.manipulation.rearranging import roll # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# ufunc operations
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.ufuncs import * # NOQA
from nlcpy.ufuncs import ufunc # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# mathmatical functions
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.math.math import * # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# statistics
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.statistics.order import amax # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import max # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import amin # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import min # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import nanmax # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import nanmin # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import ptp # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import percentile # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import nanpercentile # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import quantile # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.order import nanquantile # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.average import median # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.average import average # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.average import mean # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.average import std # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.average import var # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.average import nanmedian # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.average import nanmean # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.average import nanstd # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.average import nanvar # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.correlating import corrcoef # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.correlating import correlate # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.correlating import cov # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.histograms import histogram # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.histograms import histogram2d # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.histograms import histogramdd # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.histograms import bincount # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.histograms import histogram_bin_edges # NOQA
from nlcpy.statistics.histograms import digitize # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# logic functions
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.logic.testing import all # NOQA
from nlcpy.logic.testing import any # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# linear algebra
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.linalg.products import dot # NOQA
from nlcpy.linalg.products import inner # NOQA
from nlcpy.linalg.products import outer # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# Indexing functions
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.indexing.generate import diag_indices # NOQA
from nlcpy.indexing.generate import where # NOQA
from nlcpy.indexing.indexing import take # NOQA
from nlcpy.indexing.indexing import diagonal # NOQA
from nlcpy.indexing.indexing import select # NOQA
from nlcpy.indexing.inserting import fill_diagonal # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# searching
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.core.searching import argmax # NOQA
from nlcpy.core.searching import argmin # NOQA
from nlcpy.core.searching import nonzero # NOQA
from nlcpy.core.searching import argwhere # NOQA
from import nanargmax # NOQA
from import nanargmin # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# sorting
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.sorting.sort import sort # NOQA
from nlcpy.sorting.sort import argsort # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# counting
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.sorting.count import count_nonzero # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# misc
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.core.core import may_share_memory # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# Input and Output
# --------------------------------------------------
from import NpzFile # NOQA
from import load # NOQA
from import save # NOQA
from import savez # NOQA
from import savez_compressed # NOQA
from import savetxt # NOQA
# =============================================================================
# Data types (borrowed from NumPy)
# =============================================================================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic types
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numpy import complexfloating # NOQA
from numpy import floating # NOQA
from numpy import generic # NOQA
from numpy import inexact # NOQA
from numpy import integer # NOQA
from numpy import number # NOQA
from numpy import signedinteger # NOQA
from numpy import unsignedinteger # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Booleans
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numpy import bool_ # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Integers
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numpy import byte # NOQA
from numpy import short # NOQA
from numpy import intc # NOQA
from numpy import int_ # NOQA
from numpy import longlong # NOQA
from numpy import intp # NOQA
from numpy import int8 # NOQA
from numpy import int16 # NOQA
from numpy import int32 # NOQA
from numpy import int64 # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Unsigned integers
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numpy import ubyte # NOQA
from numpy import ushort # NOQA
from numpy import uintc # NOQA
from numpy import uint # NOQA
from numpy import ulonglong # NOQA
from numpy import uintp # NOQA
from numpy import uint8 # NOQA
from numpy import uint16 # NOQA
from numpy import uint32 # NOQA
from numpy import uint64 # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Floating-point numbers
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numpy import half # NOQA
from numpy import single # NOQA
from numpy import double # NOQA
from numpy import float_ # NOQA
from numpy import longfloat # NOQA
from numpy import float16 # NOQA
from numpy import float32 # NOQA
from numpy import float64 # NOQA
# from numpy import float96
# from numpy import float128
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Complex floating-point numbers
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numpy import csingle # NOQA
from numpy import complex_ # NOQA
from numpy import complex64 # NOQA
from numpy import complex128 # NOQA
# from numpy import complex192
# from numpy import complex256
# from numpy import clongfloat
# =============================================================================
# Constants (borrowed from NumPy)
# =============================================================================
from numpy import Inf # NOQA
from numpy import Infinity # NOQA
from numpy import NAN # NOQA
from numpy import NINF # NOQA
from numpy import NZERO # NOQA
from numpy import NaN # NOQA
from numpy import PINF # NOQA
from numpy import PZERO # NOQA
from numpy import e # NOQA
from numpy import euler_gamma # NOQA
from numpy import inf # NOQA
from numpy import infty # NOQA
from numpy import nan # NOQA
from numpy import newaxis # NOQA
from numpy import pi # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic types
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numpy import complexfloating # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data Types
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numpy import dtype # NOQA
from nlcpy.datatype.getlimits import iinfo # NOQA
from nlcpy.datatype.getlimits import finfo # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Other modules
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from numpy import set_printoptions # NOQA
from numpy import get_printoptions # NOQA
from nlcpy.error_handler.error_handler import * # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# create VE process and initialize
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.venode._venode import _create_venode_pool # NOQA
_create_venode_pool() # create veo process on VE node.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get include file path
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_include():
"""Returns the directory path that contains the NLCPy \\*.h header files.
return _path._include_path
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# random
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy import random # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy import sca # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# fft
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy import fft # NOQA
# --------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy import ve_types # NOQA
from nlcpy import jit # NOQA
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# numpy wrap
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from nlcpy.wrapper.numpy_wrap import _make_wrap_func # NOQA
from nlcpy.wrapper.numpy_wrap import _make_wrap_method # NOQA
def __getattr__(attr):
if attr in (
raise AttributeError("module 'nlcpy' has no attribute '{}'.".format(attr))
f = getattr(numpy, attr)
except AttributeError as _err:
raise AttributeError(
"module 'nlcpy' has no attribute '{}'.".format(attr)) from _err
if not callable(f):
raise AttributeError("module 'nlcpy' has no attribute '{}'.".format(attr))
return _make_wrap_func(f)