.. _installation: Installation ============ This page describes installation of OrchesPy. Requirements ------------ Before the installation of OrchesPy, the following components are required to be installed. * | `Python `_ - required version: 3.8 * | `NumPy `_ - required version: v1.23.2 * | `NLCPy `_ - To run programs on VE, NLCPy and its dependencies such as veoffload are required. - required version: v2.2.0 * | `CuPy `_ - To run programs on CUDA GPU, CuPy and its dependencies such as CUDA toolkit working with your GPU are required - required version: v11.0.0 * | `Inter-Device Copy Library `_ - Necessary for GPU-VE transfer. - required version: v0.1.0b1 Install from wheel ------------------ You can install OrchesPy by executing either of following commands. * Install from PyPI :: $ pip install orchespy * Install from your local computer 1. Download the wheel package from `GitHub `_. 2. Put the wheel package to your any directory. 3. Install the local wheel package via pip command. :: $ pip install Install from source (with building) ----------------------------------- To build OrchesPy, install CUDA toolkit and veoffload (VEO) for CuPy and NLCPy. Download the source tree from GitHub. :: $ git clone https://github.com/SX-Aurora/orchespy.git $ cd orchespy $ pip install .