Alternative VE Offloading  3.0.2
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <ve_offload.h>
static struct veo_proc_handle *veo_proc_handle = NULL;
#define MAX_LEN (1024*1024)
int myrank;
int nprocs;
int nelems = MAX_LEN;
MPI_Init( 0, 0 );
MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank );
MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs );
printf( "myrank = %d, nprocs = %d, started\n", myrank, nprocs );
fflush( stdout );
// Create a VE proc
int venode = 0;
struct veo_proc_handle *proc = veo_proc_create( venode );
printf( "myrank = %d, nprocs = %d, proc = %16p, created\n", myrank, nprocs, proc );
struct veo_thr_ctxt *ctx = veo_context_open( proc );
struct veo_args *argp = veo_args_alloc();
uint64_t handle = veo_load_library( proc, "./" );
if ( handle ) {
printf( "myrank = %d, nprocs = %d, handle = %16p, VE code loaded\n", myrank, nprocs, handle );
else {
printf( "myrank = %d, nprocs = %d, handle = %16p, VE code not loaded\n", myrank, nprocs, handle );
// Allocate VE memory
void *vebuf;
int ret = veo_alloc_hmem( proc, &vebuf, sizeof(int) * nelems );
if (ret != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "veo_alloc_hmem failed: %d", ret);
printf( "myrank = %d, nprocs = %d, vebuf = %16p, allocated\n", myrank, nprocs, vebuf );
// Call VE function 'init' to initialize VE memory
uint64_t rc;
uint64_t id;
ret = veo_args_set_hmem(argp, 0, vebuf );
if (ret != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "veo_args_set_hmem failed: %d", ret);
veo_args_set_i32( argp, 1, myrank );
veo_args_set_i32( argp, 2, nelems );
id = veo_call_async_by_name( ctx, handle, "init", argp );
veo_call_wait_result( ctx, id, &rc );
printf( "myrank = %d, nprocs = %d, id = %lu, rc=%p, VE offload\n", myrank, nprocs, id, rc );
int peer = myrank^1;
if ( peer >= nprocs ) peer = MPI_PROC_NULL;
// Call VE function 'check' to check initialized VE memory
ret = veo_args_set_hmem(argp, 0, vebuf );
if (ret != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "veo_args_set_hmem failed: %d", ret);
veo_args_set_i32( argp, 1, myrank );
veo_args_set_i32( argp, 2, nelems );
id = veo_call_async_by_name( ctx, handle, "check", argp );
veo_call_wait_result( ctx, id, &rc );
printf( "myrank = %d, nprocs = %d, id = %lu, rc=%lu, VE offload\n", myrank, nprocs, id, rc );
MPI_Status status;
// MPI calls on VH with VE memory buffers
if ( myrank%2 == 0) {
MPI_Send((void *)vebuf, MAX_LEN, MPI_INT, peer, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
else {
MPI_Recv((void *)vebuf, MAX_LEN, MPI_INT, peer, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
// Call VE function 'check' to check VE memory after MPI calls
ret = veo_args_set_hmem(argp, 0, vebuf );
if (ret != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "veo_args_set_hmem failed: %d", ret);
if ( myrank%2 == 0) ret = veo_args_set_i32( argp, 1, myrank );
if ( myrank%2 == 1) ret = veo_args_set_i32( argp, 1, peer );
veo_args_set_i32( argp, 2, nelems );
id = veo_call_async_by_name( ctx, handle, "check", argp );
veo_call_wait_result( ctx, id, &rc );
printf( "myrank = %d, nprocs = %d, id = %lu, rc=%lu, VE offload\n", myrank, nprocs, id, rc );
// Verify
uint64_t result;
MPI_Reduce( &rc, &result, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
if ( myrank == 0 ) {
printf( "Result : %s\n", result ? "Failed" : "Success" );
fflush( stdout );
veo_args_free( argp );
return 0;